Data Portraits: Aesthetics and Algorithms
Alexandru Dragulescu
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Creative Networks: Socio-Technical Tools for Loosely Bound Cooperation (8 mb)
Yannick Assogba
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Mycrocosm: Visual Microblogging
Yannick Assogba, Judith Donath
HICSS 2009
Signs: Increasing Expression and Clarity in Instant Messaging
Aaron Zinman, Judith Donath
HICSS 2009 (conference paper)
Technological interventions in everyday
Judith Donath
Catalog essay: Act/React, Milwaukee Art Museum
Algorithmic Architecture in Virtual Worlds (24 mb)
Drew Harry
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Drew Harry, Dan Gutierrez, Joshua Green, Judith Donath. "backchan.nl - Integrating Backchannels With Physical Space." In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008) (Florence, Italy April 5-10 2008).
Drew Harry, Judith Donath. "Information Spaces - Building Meeting Rooms in Virtual Environments" In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008) (Florence, Italy April 5-10 2008).
Comment Flow: Visualizing Communication Along Network Path
Dietmar Offenhuber, Judith Donath
in: Sommerer, C., Mignonneau, L. & King, D., 2008. Interface Cultures: Artistic Aspects of Interaction 1st ed., Transcript.
Transformative Copy
Dietmar Offenhuber
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Bands in mySpace
Dietmar Offenhuber, Whitman Richards
The Projects - towards a sociable architecture for virtual worlds
Drew Harry, Dietmar Offenhuber in: Design of User Experience, 2007.
Function Follows Form -The social Role of Virtual Architecture
Drew Harry, Dietmar Offenhuber, and Judith Donath in:Doesinger, S., 2008. Space Between People: How the Virtual Changes Physical Architecture, Prestel USA.
Signals in Social Supernets
Judith Donath
Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, vol 13, no 1.
Social sensing and its display
Orkan Telhan
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Virtually Trustworthy
Judith Donath
Science, July 6, 2007
Is Britney Spears Spam? [pdf]
Aaron Zinman, Judith Donath
In Proceedings of Fourth Conference on Email and Anti-Spam, Mountain View, California, August 2-3, 2007
Activity Based Interfaces in Online Social Networks [pdf]
Jawad Laraqui
M.Eng Thesis, MIT Media Lab.
The Imperfect Observer [pdf]
Judith Donath
for The Gulbenkian Foundation
Urbanhermes: Fashion Signaling and the Social Mobility of Images [pdf]
Christine M. Liu, Judith Donath
for ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Book on Accessories
Cheiro: Creating Expressive Textual Communication and Anthropomorphic Typography [pdf]
Francis Lam
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab.
RadioActive: Enabling Large-Scale Asynchronous Audio Discussions on Mobile Devices [pdf]
Aaron R. Zinman
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab.
Navigating Persistent Audio [pdf]
Aaron R. Zinman, Judith Donath
CHI Work-In-Progress, CHI 2006.
Urbanhermes: Fashion Signaling and the Social Mobility of Images [pdf]
Christine M. Liu
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab.
Urbanhermes: Social Signaling with Electronic Fashion [pdf]
Christine M. Liu, Judith Donath
CHI Notes, CHI 2006.
Visualizing Email Content: Portraying Relationships from Conversational Histories [pdf]
Fernanda B. Viégas, Scott Golder, Judith Donath
Long paper, CHI 2006.
Revealing individual and collective pasts: Visualizations of online social archives [pdf]
Fernanda B. Viégas
Ph.D. Thesis, MIT Media Lab.
Bloggers' Expectations of Privacy and Accountability: An Initial Survey [pdf]
Fernanda B. Viégas
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication Vol. 10, Issue 3, April 2005.
Webbed Footnotes: Collaborative Annotation on the Web [pdf]
Scott A. Golder
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab.
Homophily in Online Dating: When Do You Like Someone Like Yourself? [pdf]
Andrew T. Fiore and Judith S. Donath
Short paper, ACM Computer-Human Interaction 2005
Words as landscape [pdf]
Judith Donath
CHI 2005 Workshop: Beyond threaded conversation, Portland, OR, April 3, 2005.
Public Displays of Connection [pdf]
Judith Donath and danah boyd
BT Technology Journal Vol 22 No 4. October 2004, pp 71-82.
Hiding and Revealing in Online Poker Games [pdf]
Scott A. Golder and Judith Donath
Short paper, CSCW 2004, Chicago, IL.
Social Catalysts: enhancing communication in mediated spaces [pdf]
Errata [pdf]
Karrie Karahalios
Ph.D Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Artifacts of the Presence Era: Using Information Visualization to Create an Evocative Souvenir. [pdf]
Fernanda Viégas, Ethan Perry, Ethan Howe, and Judith Donath
To be presented at InfoVis 2004, in Austin, TX.
Anthropomorphic Visualization: Depicting Participants in Online Spaces Using the Human Form. [pdf]
Ethan Perry
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Romantic Regressions: An Analysis of Behavior in Online Dating Systems [pdf]
Andrew T. Fiore
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Telemurals: Linking Remote Spaces with Social Catalysts [pdf]
Karrie Karahalios and Judith Donath
Long paper, ACM Computer-Human Interaction 2004, Vienna, Austria.
Artifacts of the Presence Era: Visualizing Presence for Posterity [pdf]
Fernanda Viégas, Ethan Perry, Judith Donath, and Ethan Howe
Siggraph Sketch to be presented at Siggraph 2004, 8-12 August, Los Angeles, CA.
Social Roles in Electronic Communities [pdf]
Scott Golder and Judith Donath
Presented at AoIR 2004, Brighton, England (extended abstract here [html])
Anthropomorphic Visualization: A New Approach For Depicting Participants in Online Spaces [pdf]
Ethan Perry and Judith Donath
Short paper, ACM Computer-Human Interaction 2004, Vienna, Austria.
The Keep-In-Touch Phone: A Persuasive Telephone for Maintaining Relationships [pdf]
Scott Golder
Presented as a poster at CHI 2004. (view poster [pdf])
Online Personals: An Overview [pdf]
Andrew T. Fiore and Judith S. Donath
Short paper, ACM Computer-Human Interaction 2004, Vienna, Austria.
"Scientists, designers seek same for good conversation": A Workshop on Online Dating [pdf]
Andrew T. Fiore, Jeana Frost, and Judith S. Donath
Workshop, ACM Computer-Human Interaction 2004, Vienna, Austria
Digital Artifacts for Remembering and Storytelling: PostHistory and Social Network Fragments [pdf]
Fernanda Viégas, danah boyd, David H. Nguyen, Jeffrey Potter, Judith Donath.
HICSS 2004 (conference paper)
Telemurals: Catalytic Connections for Remote Spaces [pdf]
Karrie Karahalios and Judith Donath. Ubicomp2003.
Scale, Form, and Time: creating connected sociable spaces [pdf]
Karrie Karahalios and Judith Donath.
Intimate Ubiquitous Computing Workshop. Ubicomp 2003.
Telemurals [pdf]
Karrie Karahalios and Judith Donath.
The Chat Circles Series: explorations in designing abstract graphical communication interfaces [pdf]
Judith Donath, Fernanda Viégas.
Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS). London, England. June 2002.
A Semantic Approach to Visualizing Online Conversations [pdf]
Judith Donath
in Communications of the ACM Volume 45, Issue 4 (April 2002)
Faceted Id/entity: Managing representation in a digital world [pdf]
danah boyd
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Socio-Kinetics: Visualizing Impressions of People Behavior through Motion [pdf]
Hyun-Yeul Lee
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab
The Tele-Reporter: A Collaborative Interface for Goal-Oriented Teledirection [pdf]
Derek Tang
M.Eng Thesis, MIT Media Lab
murmurized [pdf]
Raffi Krikorian
M.Eng Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Developing Legible Visualizations for Online Social Spaces [pdf]
danah boyd, Hyun-Yeul Lee, Daniel Ramage, Judith Donath
HICSS 2002 (conference paper)
Conductive Chat: Instant Messaging With a Skin Conductivity Channel [pdf]
Joan M. DiMicco, Vidya Lakshmipathy, Andrew T. Fiore
CSCW 2002 (poster)
Mediated Faces [pdf]
Judith Donath
Cognitive Technology 2001 (invited paper)
Coterie: A Visualization of the Conversational Dynamics within IRC [pdf]
Dana Sean Spiegel
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Sexing the Internet: Reflections on the role of identification in online communities [pdf]
danah boyd
Sexualities, medias and technologies: theorizing old and new practices (conference paper)
Chatscape: A Behavior-Enhanced Graphical Chat Built on a Versatile Client-Server Architecture [pdf]
Matthew Lee
M.Eng Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Loom2: Intuitively visualizing usenet [pdf]
Judith Donath, Hyun-Yeul Lee, danah boyd, and Jonathan Goler
CSCW 2001 (workshop)
Creating visceral personal and social interactions in mediated spaces [pdf]
Kelly Dobson, danah boyd, Wendy Ju, Judith Donath and Hiroshi Ishii
CHI 2001 (short paper)
Collaborative Tele-directing [pdf]
Judith Donath, Dana Spiegel, Matt Lee, Kelly Dobson and Ken Goldberg
CHI 2001 (short paper)
Virtual Fashion: Tracking and analyzing cultural dispersion on the World-Wide Web [pdf]
Ta-gang Chiou
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Inferring sub-culture hierarchies based on object diffusion on the World Wide Web [pdf]
Ta-gang Chiou, Judith Donath
ICDCS 2000
Tracking and Analyzing Cultural Dispersion on the World Wide Web
Ta-gang Chiou, Judith Donath
WWW9 2000 (poster)
Being Real
Judith Donath
In (K. Goldberg, ed.) The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Visiphone [pdf]
Judith Donath, Karrie Karahalios & Fernanda Viegas
ICAD 2000
Talking in Circles: Representing place and situation in an online social environment
Roy Rodenstein
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Talking in Circles: A spatially-grounded multimodal chat environment
Roy Rodenstein and Judith Donath
CHI 2000
Hear & There: An augmented reality system of linked audio [pdf]
Joseph Rozier, Karrie Karahalios and Judith Donath
ICAD 2000
Hear & There: An augmented reality system of linked audio [pdf]
Joseph Rozier
M.Eng Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Visualizing information spaces to enhance social interaction
Rebecca Xiong
Ph.D. Thesis, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Visualizing conversations [pdf]
Judith Donath, Karrie Karahalios & Fernanda Viegas
HICSS-32 1999
Load Plateau
Rodrigo Leroux
M.Eng Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Visualizing the crowds at a web site
Nelson Minar and Judith Donath
CHI 1999 (short paper)
Collections [pdf]
Fernanda Viegas
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Lab
Chat Circles
Fernanda Viegas and Judith Donath
CHI 1999
PeopleGarden: Creating data portraits for users [pdf]
Rebecca Xiong and Judith Donath
UIST 1999
LiveWeb: Visualizing live user activities on the Web [pdf]
Rebecca Xiong and Eric Brittain
SIGGRAPH 1999 (short)