02.16 Social networks and the flow of information
The people you know are your social network. This personal network is embedded in a larger network, for you can follow the chain of connections from your friends, to their friends, to the friends of these friends of friends. We live in the age of global connectedness: with the exception of a few isolated tribes in the rainforests of New Guinea, the Amazon, and the Andaman Islands, everyone is connected to everyone else in a giant social network.
The structure of social networks has been the focus of much recent (and not so recent) research. How many hops does it take to get from one arbitrary person to another? (Milgram,Watts)? How does information and social support move through these networks and how do people understand and make use of them in everyday life (Wellman, Granovetter, Feld)? How do people communicate information about their network? And how do / should new technologies extend these connections? 1 |
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I. A future of many weak ties.
In the last few years, numerous social networking sites have been built (friendster, linkedIn, Facebook, MySpace, etc. etc), some of which have become extremely popular. The premise of many of these sites is that the more connections you have and can show, the better. Yet real world social networks have real costs. Maintaining a somewhat deeper connection with another person requires spending the time with them, and being responsible for them in some fashion, whether just to be an available ear or to truly take care of them in a time of need. A big question about social netowrking technology is whether it functions mainly to substitute numerous shallow and weak ties for fewer but deeper ones. If you are not familiar with any such sites please spend some time looking at a few of them (e.g. LinkedIn, MySpace, etc.) The Wellman and Giulia paper talks about the social support people get from networks. Granovetter talks about the value of heterogeneous networks. Feld discusses how people balance creating larger circles of friends with the limits of their time and attention. The Donath and boyd paper examines the function of social network displays. Please read these papers and answer about the following questions:
II. The Small World Problem. In 1966 Stanley Milgram, subsequently to become famous for his experiments showing that people are willing, under very little pressure, to inflict a great deal of harm to another person when told to do so by a person in authority, conducted an experiment of a more benign nature. He gave a set of letters to people in Kansas with instructions they be forwarded to a particular person near Boston, Mass., with the caveat that the letter should only be given, along with the same instructions, to a personal acquaintance, one who presumably was "closer" in some sense to the ultimate recipient. Although only a very small percentage of the chains were actually completed, and there is some question about the validity of the experiment, this project spawned the popular notion that people in the world are separated by at most 6 links, i.e. the six degrees of separation. Since Milgram's time, communication technologies have seemingly reduced the distance between people even more. Email gives us an easy conduit to even the most passing acquaintance; Google provides us with an often surprising variety of information about anyone; social networking sites, themselves an homage to Milgram and the notion of a small, networked world, let us spend hours traversing chains of acquaintances. Duncan Watts and his colleagues Read Judith Kleinberg's critique of the original experiment and Watt's et al's report on their more recent replication of it. Try finding someone in this experiment. Answer the following:
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