Privacy in Digital Environments:
Empowering Users- Organizers

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danah boyd is currently developing online communities for V-Day, a non-profit working to end violence against women and girls worldwide. Prior to that, she was a graduate student with Dr. Judith Donath in the Sociable Media Group at MIT's Media Lab. Her work focused on developing identity management tools and interactive personal visualizations to encourage users to reflect on their digital presence. Her previous work at Brown combined computer graphics, gender theory, and visual perception; she has also worked as a software engineer, an educator and an ethnographer. Ultimately, danah is interested in using technology to empower individuals.
email: danah at vday dot org

Carlos Jensen is a PhD student in Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Working with Dr. Colin Potts, his work focuses on developing end-user privacy awareness and management tools for the web. He seeks to provide solutions that both make privacy management accessible to users, and work within the current technical framework. He has previously done work on online communities, media effects on communication, and online trust.
email: carlosj at cc dot gatech dot edu

Scott Lederer is a PhD student in Computer Science at UC Berkeley, working with Drs. Jennifer Mankoff and Anind Dey. His current efforts are focused on illuminating a user conceptual model of privacy in ubiquitous computing, though his interests also extend to novel interaction techniques and devices. He aims to empower and elevate human experience in the ubiquitous computing age.
email: lederer at cs dot berkeley dot edu

David Nguyen is a PhD student in Computer Science/HCI at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Working with Dr. Elizabeth Mynatt, David's research focuses on ubiquitous computing environments and privacy. He is working on ways to allow users to understand how they participate in these environments, so they can shape the environments to fit the their practices, needs, values, and sensibilities. Prior to Georgia Tech, David did his undergraduate work at UC San Diego in Cognitive Science and his Master's work at the University of Michigan in Computer Science.
email: dnguyen at cc dot gatech dot edu


Privacy in Digital Environments: Empowering Users is a CSCW 2002 workshop to be held on 16 November 2002 in New Orleans. For more information, contact the organizers.