The Tele-Reporter system is an interface allowing the audience of a news program to collaborate in making real-time requests to a live reporter. The main priority, therefore, in the design of this interface is to ensure that users will be able to collaborate naturally and effectively.
System design will focus on building a constructive online community environment and developing an intuitive voting mechanism for collaboration.
Project elements include:
Reporter Gear. includes discreetly located camera, microphone and an LCD displaying the current winning command. The display includes buttons allowing the reporter to veto a command, speed up voting or ask for more time.
Audio/Video Feed. delivers live audio and video from the reporter to the audience, with a minimum of transmission and buffering delay.
Audience Interface. web interface where the audience can watch the broadcast, chat with fellow viewers, and make and vote for suggestions.
Reward System. compliments viewers with winning suggestions and punishes contributors to inappropriate suggestions.