The goal of this iteration was to create a legible environment using type as image adding colour where needed. Colour and type is used to set the tone and mood of the environment.
In the first sketch, the idea of streaming type is placed on a black background on a weave of other showering type. It is imagined that the type would be showering in all directions and forming a texture of muscle weave. The name of the more active participants is highlighted. Note on the lower corner of the sketch that type is bending with a radius. This is suggesting other forms of streaming type in the space.
In the next two sketches, one in gray tone and another in a blue tone, type is being abstractly weaved in different directions. In this sketch one thread is highlighted in colour. A colour represents different individuals and perhaps showing how their presence (content of post) is affecting other participants. For example, is Frank a dominant figure in this discussion? How much of his dominance is affecting other people's opinions in the discussion - depicted by signs of red tint in another person's colour scheme. The gray scene depicts somewhat an urban decay, where colour is used to show that there is still some what an active group within that environment. The background used is actual text decaying over time (using the smudging effect). What works in this visualisation is that there is a sense that the active group is intertwined into the decaying text (being pulled with and into the background). This may be a preview of how this remaining active group may fight from the idea that their existence may be decaying.The next image, has a blue background which helps show motion, almost like a nightclub scene. How is Frank a popular player in this scene? How are some people in this scene edgy or approachable?
The last sketch is a mix of type in clustering effects to give a sense of an evocative environment on Sunny Blvd. - a place where it is all about porn and drug trading. While type is used to represent an individual, how is this integrated with strong background colours to create a sense of an environment?