Electric Postcard Office Operating Manual

Sending and Storing Messages

You are now running a mail service, as well as a postcard store. You are responsible for:

Sending the mail

When someone sends a postcard, several things happen.

The Postcard Office uses sendmail to send the notification to the recipient. If your system does not have sendmail, or it is not in /usr/lib/sendmail you must edit the script file postPostCard.perl to configure it to your system.

Storing the mail

Claim numbers are in the form [recipient's name].[random number] The claim number is also the file name under which the message is stored.

The messages are kept in subdirectories of $HoldingDir. The subdirectories are based on the digits in the random number part of the claim number. If you have 3 levels, then a card whose claim number is JohnDoe.1398743 will be placed in


Retrieving the mail

A notation is made in the log file (specified in the $LogFile variable) whenever a message is claimed. This is useful for knowing when to discard old messages - if a card is still getting claims it should not be discarded, even though it was sent long ago. People do send cards to mailing lists and the claims often trickle in slowly.

Message Security

The users' messages are files which are owned by whoever is running the server. Postcard servers should be run as nobody or some other very secure user. If you cannot be sure that other users on your system cannot and will not read the postcard messages, you should not run the postcard server!
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Last modified: Mon Apr 8 17:52:43 1996