There are no bodies in cyberspace; instead, we have reputation.
Trust is one individual's assessment of another person, sitution, thing. Reputation is a community's collective assessment. Reputation can be an important element in maintainng the integrity of a signaling/communciation system. Conventional signals are kept honest only if there are costs to being deceptive. One way a community can impose such costs is through reputation. In a community where there is reputation, my past interactions will color my future interactions with others in the community. Reputation works as a means of enforcing social norms and honest signaling only when there are repeated interactions; if I do not plan to interact further with members of the community, the cost to me of damage to my reputation is minimal. Reputation requires identity, memory and communication. Identity means that individuals are not anonymous; they have some consistent form that is recognizable over time. Memory means that information persists over time; recognition is an aspect of memory. Communication means that information moves from one person to another. Reputation is not only a component of signaling systems, it is also one of the things people signal about. If you have a good reputation, you want this to be known; if you do not, you want to hide this. How do people signal their reputation? What makes these signals reliable? Reputation can be public or private. Public reputations are available for anyone to see. Often, they are attached to the person (or persona). The ratings that buyers and sellers accrue on eBay are manifestations of public reputation; so was the scarlet letter that Hester Prynn was forced to wear in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel. Private reputation information is maintained within the minds of members of a group or community. People communicate this information privately to each other. This can be a highly respected activity: a big part of being an academic is writing evaluations and recommendations. It can also be a disdained pastime: gossiping about other people's private lives, while a nearly universal activity and fundamental to the maintainence of community norms, is [often disapporved of and there are societies that have gone so far as to condemn gossips to death]. The dynamics of reputation signaling depend on whether it is public or private, on whether the evaluators are known or anonymous, and on relative strength of the tie between evaluator and subject and between evaluator and receiver. Fear of retaliation may keep me from publicly giving a negative assessment of someone, or I may know that my best friend is a lazy and unreliable worker, but I may still want to help him out by recommending him for a job. The value of reputation information to its audience depends on several factors. For reputation information provided to a by b about c - b must be honest. If b has some motivation to be dishonest - if his relationship, either postitve or negative - with c is stronger than his relationship with a, then b may be motivated to provide false information. But even if b is honest, there is the quesiton of how conguent b's assessment is to the assessment that a would make. Any assessment is subjective - an assessment is valuable to me only if I agree sufficiently with the concepts and beliefs that formed the assessment. |
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