followers Participants . Hyun-Yeul Lee . Jiawen Chen . Julie Yoo . Professor Judith Donath
Visualizing Impressions of People Behavior through Motion
Public discussion groups online, such as Usenet newsgroups are rich social environments. The communication in this space is asynchronous, which allows for participation and presence of vast number of people. These spaces are comprised of communities: participants drive discussions through the exchange of opinions and ideas. These forums are text-base environments, which make it difficult to discern complexities and nuances of social interactions; social patterns and behavior are not visible. Some work in visualizing these spaces has been done. However, it uses the language of data visualization and while the resulting images may begin to render social interactions, they do not convey the feel and aura of the space. The research is a step towards building a framework for expressive visualizations of online social interactions that portray social situations. In particular, we will be investigating how motion can be used as an effective and expressive visual element for social visualization. The research comprises of a series of studies exploring this problem that will be based on cognitive and artistic precedents.

* This project is part of the Loom Project in the Sociable Media Group - 2002

Key Ingredients
Process Documentation
Image Examples
Jiawen Chen